Journalist Cigarette Cards


Illustration, part of Adventures in Writing.


Create an appealing gift to encourage people to donate.

These Cigarette Cards were designed for a fundraiser for the Society of Professional Journalists.

A Stanford Daily article.


In the late 1890s, it was common for tobacco companies to include small collector cards in cigarette packs. One such series featured “American Editors,” with dozens of cards celebrating the nation’s journalism bosses with ornate portraits. We felt it was time for a new series, this time honoring the writers, reporters and editors that exemplify the best of journalism today. It took some experimenting with the imagery to recreate the visual qualities of the old cards, but in the end we got rave reviews and we met our fundraising target.

Adventures in Writing brainstorming session.


I designed and printed these cards, while my collaborator procured the rights to all the imagery we used and developed the fundraising text.

Read more about the journalists we feature.