Notation IN Science Communication


Poster detail 1.


Design an ePortfolio Notation in Science Communication program and corresponding curriculum to support a new certificate program at Stanford.

This Notation in Science Communication program work was developed for the Stanford Program in Writing and Rhetoric and the Hume Center for Writing and Speaking

Poster detail 2.


Lecturers and students needed to be able to use the tech to create beautiful portfolios. Lecturers also needed a supporting curriculum to explain multimodal storytelling through ePortfolios. We researched ePortfolio technologies, created example ePortfolios, and launched a pilot curriculum. After working with students for a few quarters we were able to iterate and refine our process. We also delivered a poster session at the Association of American Colleges and Universities conference “Crossing Boundaries: Transforming STEM Education” outlining our research and findings.

Association of American Colleges and Universities conference image.

My role

As part of this effort I researched ePortfolio tech, co-instructed courses, and co-developed the pedagogy. I also designed our NSC poster shown here applying many of the concepts we were talking to our NSC students about.